SetLockXT® is a QuarkXpress® XTension designed to work with fcsLock 2.0 or later.
SetLockXT will allow a user to protect an Xpress document so that it can not be opened unless fcsLock or SetLock is loaded. This program completes fcsLock protection scheme by avoiding users from opening documents without fcsLock installed and therefore bypassing all of fcsLock's protections.
The operation of SetLockXT is extremely easy. The operator only needs to open the desired document, select from the Utilities window the "Require fcsLock" option, turn on the protection, and save the document. Removing the protection is just as easy.
/***************** WARNING! *******************/
Due to the way QuarkXPress handles this kind of protection scheme when a user REMOVES the SetLock protection the program will remove ALL required XTensions information. Therefore there is the possibility that this XTension will be INCOMPATIBLE with other XTensions that install in documents information that require the XTensions to be present (like "Cool Blends", "TableWorks", etc).
Most XTensions that use this kind of protection install the information when the document is saved, while SetLockXT does the removal upon command and never at save time. For example, SetLockXT has been tested with "CoolBlends" and there have been no incompatabilities found.
In any case, you are strongly urged to test this XTension with COPIES of your documents and all of your requiered XTensions installed. Try to install the protection on a document that contains elements created by all your XTensions (like a diamond blend from "Cool Blends"), then remove the SetLock protection, save the document, quit Xpress, and open the document again with no XTensions loaded to see if Xpress asks you for all the required XTensions.
This XTension is provided "As is" with no warranties at all. SetLock is provided free to all users of fcsLock. Please test it carefully before using it on documents that use other XTensions.
Charles W. Kefauver
F.C.S., S.L.
C/ Gremio Tejedores, 22, 1
07009 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: (3471) 43 12 77
FAX: (3472) 43 08 18
Modem: (3471) 43 07 15
Compuserve: 100016,2317
AppleLink: SPA0274
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QuarkXpress and XTension are trademarks of Quark, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. fcsLock is a trademark of FCS, S.L.